ACAP Summative
The ACAP Summative is administered in the spring to students in 2nd-8th grades. This is a 100% online assessment. The Grade 2 assessment will not be used for measuring achievement for accountability purposes but will serve as a baseline for 3rd grade growth.
- Content areas include:
- 2nd-8th grade- Math and English Language Arts
- 4th, 6th, and 8th grade- Science
- 4th-8th grade English Language Arts section will include an online text-dependent writing section.
- All items are aligned to the Alabama Course of Study
Data Recognition Corporation (DRC), has provided Online Tools Training (OTT) in order to familiarize students with the testing platform.
- The OTT can be accessed by students or parents at any time.
- Students practice with sample test items and technology enhanced responses they may encounter on the assessment.
- The OTT runs on a standard Google Chrome web browser.
Online Tools Training and Student Video Tutorials
For more information, please see the guides below.
Pre-ACT: 10th graders
ACT with Writing: 11th graders
ACT WorkKeys: 12th graders
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0: K-12th grade English Learners