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Lawrence County Schools (District)

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Upcoming Board Meeting Agenda

January 17, 2025 Upcoming Agenda


Lawrence County Board of Education Meeting

Lawrence County Board of Education

14131 Market Street

Moulton, AL  35650

January 17, 2025 at 7:30 a.m.


Agenda Items


1. Call to Order

2. Prayer

3. Pledge

4. Adoption of Agenda

5. Superintendent's Report

6. Approve Official Board Minutes

7. Approve PO Ledger

8. Accept Financials and Bank Statements

9. Approve Out of State Leave/Parental Personal Vehicle Field Trip

10. Approve School Contracts

11. Approve Contracts

12. Approve Bids

13. Approve Substitutes

14. Approve Personnel Recommendations

15. Determine Next Board Meeting

16. Adjourn

Posted January 13, 2025 at 9:13 a.m.